Friday, February 1, 2008

February first responses

1. I think that reading is very important to being a writer and I love the breathing comparison. Reading helps to inspire the writer and allows the writer to expand his or her imagination. Writers learn new words and new techniques from reading other's works. They are able to learn others viewpoints and are able to find a subject that they are interested in and want to write about. Writers are able to be more creative once they have read a variety of works and have explored their writing options. Reading and writing go together like peanut butter and jelly.

2. This question is really broad but something that scares me in the world is epidemic diseases and terminal illnesses such as cancer. So many people die arbitrarily from cancer and epidemic diseases as well. One day epidemics aren't known of and the next day they can erupt and spread like wildfire (which is another scary thing). Uncontrollable things in life scare me because they happen so fast and can completely change your life and the lives of those around you.

3. I am inspired by a paragraph that my little brother wrote in second grade. The grammer and the punctuation are terrible but it is easy to read. It is titled "My Hero" and he describes why I am his hero with a drawing of me at the bottom of the page. In it he says that he looks up to me and tells about all the reasons for his admiration, including that I help him with homework and chores and that I always try to include him. My mom framed it so I am able to read it every time I go to the basement. It is inspirational to me because it reminds me of how he looks up to me and therefore I work hard to set a good example for him.


Kara M said...

lovely blog annie! i really agree that infectious diseaes are really a problem! i once watched an Oprah episode when she was talking about bird flu it was scary!

j.Irv said...

I know that Kara already commented about the infectios disease things but it really does scare me too. I am afraid that some terrorist is going to infect everyone in the united states with some deadly disease that eats away at the skin. Hopefully I am wrong.

Tashi D said...

i agree with you about the diseases. those things can strike you outta nowhere.

Maitland said...

Annie! I know I'm not part of your blog group, but I couldn't resist. Yay you used a debate word! Arbitrary! Anyway, just letting you know nice post, and darling, you need to do some more breathing in!